Dr. Michael J. Baglino, Ed. D. - Author, Educator, Speaker:

Why choose me?

“To use my writing/speaking skills in both the behavioral sciences and religion to inspire and educate others around the world to make a change.”


1. A Christian Approach to Maturity in Service

Components and behaviors associated with maturity and service to others. Surveying, describing, and witnessing 4 communication styles and 4 mental behaviors which are requisites for maturity and service.

2. Essential Tips for Lectors

God's word is meant to be heard. Church lectors can proclaim the Gospel boldly through preparation, practice, and vocal training.

3. From Gramsci to Freud: 6 Anti Christian Philosophers Who Ruined America

So many conflicts today originate with the philosophies of these 6 anti-Christian philosophers and today's western culture. Antonio Gramsci, Herbert Marcuse, Georg Hegel, Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud.

4. Facts on Music: Psychology, Science and the Bible

Positive functions of music singing, dance and their relation to Christianity - with audience participation. [don't be scared, it's fun]


Adaptations from the final book in a trilogy, highlighting educational experiences in the areas of sports, entertainment, culture, psychology, history, politics, travel and Catholicism. Share and express experience and knowledge; that’s what education is.   


"Mr. Baglino always presented himself as a devoted father and husband, conscientious in his family and parish duties and worthy of every trust. As a parish lector, Mr. Baglino's talents and skills are unmatched."   Rev. Seamus Doyle, Pastor - St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Miami

"Dr. Baglino, respected and admired among colleagues, has a personal charisma and passion for education; he is especially suited for the training and mentorship of new instructors."  Dr. David Penn, Director @ Florida Career College, W. Palm Bch.

"Research skills combined with a creative approach to education is Dr. Baglino's forte.   Talent combined with enthusiasm is his mantra."  Dr. Carlos Alvarez, Ph. D. - Florida International University, Miami

VIDEO:    See also my other site: www.MichaelJBaglino.com